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Thanks to all who support us!

We plan to keep a list here with pages who link to us. Till that day:

Please link to ´´ and not to ´´ !

Reason for this is, that "" will last forever, but "frameset.htm" won´t. Right now we use a redirectional URL which will be gone one day. So please link to our domain directly without additions. Thx!

Support us by bookmarking !

Don´t forget to bookmark this page: CTRL-D

Place our banner on your webpage or weblog!

You write a weblog or want to place a banner on your webpage? Go ahead, just use that banner or source code below! Please give us a short note if you do so.

You want to place that banner on your webpage or blog? Go ahead, just use that banner & source code below! Please give us a short note if you do so.

Add a link to our videos to your blog or your webpage!

You can add a link to the 1000-Days-Movies to your weblog or your webpage. You can also embed the videos directly to your page. Just use the following lines of code:

1000 Days Movie from Sven, embedded into the page with a player to show the video:

1000 Days Movie from Tobias, embedded into the page with a player to show the video:

1000 Days Movie from Sven, as a link to YouTube:

1000 Days Movie from Tobias, as a link to YouTube:

Place a logo on your webpage!

If you want to support us by placing a logo on your webpage, feel free to do so! Just copy and paste that source code provided and it takes you only a minute to update your own webpage.

You want to place that logo on your webpage or blog? Go ahead, just use that logo or source code! Please give us a short note if you do so.    
You want to place that logo on your webpage or blog? Go ahead, just use that logo or source code! Please give us a short note if you do so.    
You want to place that logo on your webpage or blog? Go ahead, just use that logo or source code! Please give us a short note if you do so.    
You want to place that logo on your webpage or blog? Go ahead, just use that logo or source code! Please give us a short note if you do so.    

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(c) 2003 - 2024, Sven and Tobias Staude: Imprint & Data Protection.