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The responsible person is Sven Staude. A contact to the responsible person can be made at any time as follows:
Sven Staude, Mühlenstraße 12, 41236 Mönchengladbach
Telephone: 02166 / 400 44
Telefax: 02166 / 400 46

Data Protection
On this website (in the following called offer) data about access to the offer gets collected in anonymised form for the purpose of operating the offer. Personal data which you communicate to us at making contact (e.g. by e-mail), will only be used to conduct the correspondence with you and solely for the purpose of which you put the data at our disposal. This data will only be kept for that amount of time until the goal to which purpose you entrusted the data to us is achieved.

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(c) 2003 - 2025, Sven and Tobias Staude: Imprint & Data Protection.