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Daily Photo Projects

   (October 1998 - present)


Website from Jonathan Keller. He started the first Daily Photo Project in the internet and photographs himself since the end of 1998. We contacted J. K. when we launchend our project. He's being very helpful, and he takes care about his website and the visitors. THX J. K. - keep it on!

Jonathan Keller


       Daily Jason   (January 2003 - present)


Every day a new photo of Jason Fletcher. He doesn´t look "neutral" on his pictures, but makes goofy faces. The photos also show him with shaving-foam in the face, driving a car etc.

Jason Fletcher


       Noah K. Everyday   (Januar 2000 - present)


Noah Kalina is a photographer, who takes a picture of himself every day. He tries to find those points in his life, where he changed. His webpage runs for a long time now, but J. K. still is the record holder for publishing a daily pic.

Noah Kalina

   (August 2003 - present)


Markus takes everyday pictures since August 2003. His webpage is very friendly and stylish. He shows lots of pictures, but gives very little details about his person.



       Stephan Schumann   (September 2003 - May 2005)


Stephan Schumann maintains monthly galleries and tries to get a snapshot of a moment every day. He has a nice "Laboratory" where he presents his web projects, don´t miss his "Bilderuhr" (Picture Clock)!

Stephan Schumann


       Mathias Winks   (August 2005 - present)


Mathias takes daily pictures since August of 2005. He is writing a blog and his site has lots of interesting things to explore!


   (August 2005 - present)


Michael Simons was inspired by the german blog scene. Bloggers are becoming photo-bloggers now, keep up shooting your pics!

Michael Simons


       Vadim Malguine   (August 2003 - present)


Vadim Malguine shaved his head in August of 2003. Since then, his hair is growing, and he is taking one picture per day. His site is in russian language.

Vadim Malguine


       Megan Lee Welch   (January 2003 - May 2004)


Megan Lee Welch started her photo project in January 2003. She left out a couple of days, weeks, month, and her project seems to be stopped by May 2004. Even so her site is worth a visit.

Megan Lee Welch


       Tehching Hsieh    (April 1980 - April 1981)


Tehching Hsieh is an artist living in New York. He decided a couple of times to have a "One Year Performance" in his life. From the 11th of April 1980 to the 11th of April 1981 he took one picture per hour. The images were taken every hour, 24 hours per day including his sleeping time. Probably he was the first one doing a daily photo project ever.

Tehching Hsieh


       Digital Papa    (September 2003 - February 2006)


Tamura was taking a picture of his father every day. The photos show an old and sick man, that dies in the end. Some pictures are really hard to stand, and this project is probably the first which documented the run-of-time until the end.

Tamura´s Father
Other Photo Projects

   (January 2003 - present)


John Stone records how much he has eaten since January 2003 and in which way he trained his body. His plan is to change his body systematically with hard workout and a complete change in nutrition.

John Stone

   (March 1999 - present)


Odile Marchoul takes each week a picture set in a photo booth (that photo machines you often see at train stations) and makes some notes about her mood and personal situation at the back of the photos. She calls the project 'la photo-sculpture' and started it at the age of 27 in the year 1999. She shows lots of other interesting photographies and works on her homepage.

Odile Marchoul


       Documented Life   (1959 - present)


Miles Hochstein is sharing the story of his life in the web. For each year he is presenting a short summary with lots of photos.

Miles Hochstein

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